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What is listeria and how dangerous it is for health


Each year, hundreds of people worldwide die as a result of a specific bacterium called listeria. Listeria is a type of bacterium whose full name is Listeria monocytogenes and causes an infection called listeriosis. This infection is caused after consuming contaminated foods and beverages. Listeria is not as prevalent as salmonella which is another deadly virus, however it should not be neglected because in 25% of cases the infections are fatal.

The infection in question is more dangerous in adults after a certain age, those with weak immunity and especially pregnant women because it can promote miscarriage. In the case of pregnant women, the symptoms of the infection are the same as the flu but the bacterium crosses the placenta causing deformities of the fetus or its loss. This bacterium is found all around us, in the soil, water and many food products like those of meat, animal milk or its by-products. In the past, this bacterium has been spread through frozen vegetables and packaged salads.

This bacterium thrives mainly in cold temperatures while the heat or pasteurization process eliminates it completely. A frightening aspect of infection with this bacterium is that the onset of symptoms can take up to 70 days. These symptoms are: fever and chills, physical weakness, vomiting, confusion and stiff neck. They can last for several weeks. The good news? The infection is treated with antibiotics but also with some preventive steps.

Precautions you can take against listeria:

The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends good hygiene practices, which means rinsing all fruits and vegetables before preparation or consumption, even if you plan to peel them. Products such as cucumber or melon should be brushed and dried with kitchen paper. Raw meat should be kept away from other foods, cooked or not and if a food has leaked juices in the fridge you should clean it immediately.